Table of contents
- Docker installation and configuration on Ubuntu
- General Docker commands
- Manage Docker Images
- Docker Hub
- Manage Docker Containers
- Docker Volumes
- Create and manage volumes
- Start a container with a volume
- Using volumes from other containers
- Docker Networks
- Create and manage Networks
- Using network from other containers
- Docker Compose
Docker installation and configuration on Ubuntu
Download updates for already installed packages - sudo apt-get update
Update the already installed packages - sudo apt upgrade
Install Docker - sudo apt install
Check docker version - docker --version
Create a docker group if not present - sudo groupadd docker
Add current user to docker group - sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Reboot your system for above changes to take effect - sudo reboot
Start docker - sudo systemctl start docker
Stop docker - sudo systemctl stop docker
Check Status of docker - sudo systemctl status docker
Enable docker on boot - sudo systemctl enable docker
INSTALLATION -- Docker Desktop is available for Mac, Linux and Windows
General Docker commands
Get help with Docker, can also use –help on all subcommands - docker --help
Display system-wide information - docker info
List the port mappings for a container - docker port <container-name>
View resource usage statistics for one or more containers - docker stats
View the processes running inside a container - docker top
Save an image to a tar archive - docker save
Load an image from a tar archive - docker load
Manage Docker Images
List local images - docker images
Build an Image from a Dockerfile - docker build -t <image_name>
Build an Image from a Dockerfile without the cache - docker build -t <image_name> . –no-cache
Create image from running container - docker commit <container-name> <image-name>
Delete an Image - docker rmi <image_name>
Remove all unused images - docker image prune
To remove all the images forcefully - docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)
Docker Hub
Login into Docker - docker login -u <username>
Publish an image to Docker Hub - docker push <image_name>
Search Hub for an image - docker search <image_name>
Pull an image from a Docker Hub - docker pull <image_name>
Manage Docker Containers
List all running docker containers - docker ps
List all running and stopped/exited containers - docker ps -a
Run a container from a image - docker run <image>
docker run -d -it --name <container-name> -p <host-port>:<container-port> -e <environment-variable>=<value> <image-name>
To stop a running container - docker stop <container-name>
To start a stopped container - docker start <container-name>
To remove the stopped container - docker rm <container-name>
docker attach <container-name>
- To access the container in interactive mode, it will connect to the standard input/output of the main process inside the container.
docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/bash
- To access the container in interactive mode, it will create a new process in the containers environment.
docker inspect <container-name>
- Display detailed information on one or more containers.
Fetch and follow the logs of a container: docker logs -f <container-name>
To stop all the running containers at once - docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
To remove all the stopped containers at once - docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
Docker Volumes
Create and manage volumes
Create a volume: docker volume create my-vol
List volumes: docker volume ls
Inspect a volume: docker volume inspect my-vol
Remove a volume: docker volume rm my-vol
Start a container with a volume
Docker Volume Mount
docker volume create my-vol2
docker run -d --name devtest --mount source=my-vol2,target=/app nginx:latest
docker run -d --name devtest -v my-vol2:/app nginx:latest
Bind Mount
#Create a directory : mkdir -p /path/to/directory/
docker run -d --name devtest --mount source=/path/to/directory/,target=/app nginx:latest
docker run -d --name devtest -v /path/to/directory/:/app nginx:latest
Using volumes from other containers
Create the first container
docker run -d --name db -v app_data:/data database-image:latest
Create the second container
docker run -d --name backup --volumes-from db backup-image:latest
Docker Networks
Create and manage Networks
Create a network: docker network create -d bridge my-network
List networks: docker network ls
Inspect a network: docker network inspect my-network
Remove a network: docker network rm my-network
Using network from other containers
Create the first container
docker run -d --name=my-container1 --network=my-network busybox
Create the second container
docker run -d --name=my-container2 --network container:my-container nginx
Docker Compose
Show version information and quit - docker-compose version
Build or rebuild services - docker-compose build
Create and start containers - docker-compose up
Stop and remove resources - docker-compose down
Start services - docker-compose start
Stop services - docker-compose stop
Pause services - docker-compose pause
Unpause services - docker-compose unpause
List containers - docker-compose ps
Execute a command in a running container - docker-compose exec
View output from containers - docker-compose logs
List images - docker-compose images